Sunday, August 21, 2005


Are there any other artists out there? I've read someone's suggestion that many artists go through acquisitive/creative/destructive cycles in their creativity. I know that for me this is true. Sometimes, I just want to buy, buy, buy supplies, with ideas for all of them, but I don't really do much actual, physical creating. Then there are times that I just feel inspired and create piece after piece. Then there are times that I can't work up the motivation to come up with a new idea, and find myself redoing something that needed tweaking, or finishing off something that had been sitting on the work table 95% complete for weeks.

Am I the only one that does this?

I HAVE to be through with my current acquisitive stage, since I've just gotten such a big order of new supplies. So it's on to the creative phase for me. A lot of times when I'm not really creative I can do some simple earrings or a relatively simple strung necklace and that will inspire me to something more artistic later on.

The picture posted is of a bracelet of blue aventurine and sterling silver. It's called Navy Sky.

Classes start a week from Monday. My orientation starts Tuesday afternoon and goes until Friday night - because we're special. My hubby's orientation is nonexistant and he gets a two hour class on being a TA. That's it. Nothing else. I also get an office, despite the fact that I'm NOT teaching, while DH (Dear Hubby) doesn't. Fair? I think not.

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